The Nazi Party destroyed the political apparatus of the working class, broke the trade union movement, and handed the economy over to German capitalist monopolies. "Socialism" in the mind of the NSDAP involved either the SA's street fighting fantasy of a German nation recast in the image of the right wing worker; or, the NSDAP's central apparatus' conception of a pliant breeding nation. "Socialism" was for the NSDAP the forced mobilization of the ethnic nation.
Many Germans at the time, particularly right wing Germans, associated these values with a Bismarkian right wing policy that had been called "Socialism," in the sense of state provided goods and services. To take political advantage of this feeling, the NSDAP named itself "National Socialist." The NSDAP did not hope for the abolition of capitalism, nor for workers' control.
In addition to this economic position, the NSDAP wanted to reunify their imaginary German nation by force; impose a German order on Europe through war; and to eliminate their imaginary racial "other."
These combination of policies are considered "right wing."
Ordinary socialism, in the sense of workers' control of production, was considered left wing at the time.